Vitaquell omega 3 DHA/EPA õli vetikatest 250ml


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Meeldiva pähklise maitsega, lisa salatisse, pudrule, müslisse või smuutisse.

1 spl annab 1,8g ALA (tasakaalustab kolesterooli), 106mg DHA ja 64 mg EPA (toetab südame, aju ja silmade tööd).

Koostisosad: rapsiõli*, linaseemneõli*, kreeka pähkli õli*, omega 3 DHA õli merevetikatest 3%. *pärit mahepõllundusest.

Mitte kuumutada, pärast avamist hoida külmkapis.

Toiteväärtus 100g kohta: energia 3700 kJ/ 900 kcal, rasva 100g, millest küllastunud 10g

Vitaquell Organic Omega-3 DHA/EPA Oil has a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, especially α-linolenic acid and the long-chain omega-3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Omega-3 direct = highly effective vegetable DHA-Ω-3 fatty acids from seaweed oil, which need to be absorbed directly by the body and not converted. As part of a balanced diet, Ω-3 fatty acids and also linoleic acid contribute to maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels.

Just one serving (1 tbsp~10 g) provides 1.8 g ALA, 106 mg DHA and 64 mg EPA. ALA contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels. DHA and EPA contribute to the maintenance of normal heart and brain function and vision. The beneficial effect can be achieved with a daily intake of 2 g ALA and 250 mg DHA/EPA.

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Vitaquell omega 3 DHA/EPA õli vetikatest 250ml
